Big Star Copywriting

Across the globe, more than 3 billion people are using social networks. No business can afford to miss out on that scale of opportunity. But how do you get people to engage with your business on social media?

There are lots of tips out there to help your business grow a social media following. To save you time, we’ve listed them together as a one-stop resource when you need some advice. If you don’t even have time for that, get in touch to see how we can manage your social presence for you.

  1. Are you making the best use you can of hashtags? Social Media Today has some simple advice:
  2. Facebook Audience Insights is a goldmine when it comes to growing your following. This 6-step plan from Social Media Examiner tells you exactly how to do it:
  3. Giveaways and inviting your co-workers to follow your page are two easy to action ways to grow your Facebook following highlighted in this guide from Buffer:
  4. Just starting out? Filling out your profile completely is just one of the essential must-dos in this guide from Buffer that can help you grow your first 1000 followers on every major social network:
  5. You’ve carefully crafted your blog or found some excellent content to share. But when is the best time to share it on LinkedIn? This article from Hootsuite suggests 8pm:
  6. These 20 tips from Social Media Today could really boost your business following on LinkedIn:
  7. 17% of the world’s population log onto Facebook every day! You can trust Neil Patel to share some great tips on getting some of those people to follow your business page:
  8. If you want to increase your Facebook followers, this study from Buffer and Buzz Sumo is an essential read: new research They’ve looked at 777million posts to identify what works and what doesn’t.
  9. Have you read the ‘best practices’ guide from LinkedIn yet? best practices If you want to grow your connections, it’s a great place to start.
  10. Who doesn’t want 1000s of views on LinkedIn? Our two ‘easy to implement today’ take-outs from this article from Entrepreneur Magazine are 1) write 1-2 sentence paragraphs and 2) engage with others:
  11. Adding a follow button is just one simple trick to increase the number of followers on your LinkedIn company page highlighted in this LinkedIn Marketing Solutions blog:
  12. Forbes has shared this plan to get 250,000 real Facebook followers in under a month:
  13. Posting valuable content and being active are just two of the easy to action tricks for getting more likes to your Facebook page in this 7-minute read from HubSpot:
  14. Another article from Forbes, outlining 50 ways to connect with customers on Facebook for free:
  15. Growing your organic reach on Facebook is about being persistent and reliable with your content. Read more about achieving this (and five other steps to take to increase reach) thanks to Sprout Social:
  16. Inviting people to like your Facebook page might seem simple, but it’s an effective way to increase your followers. More tips here thanks to Social Media Today:
  17. More connections = more likes on LinkedIn. Moz has some great ideas to help you grow your reach:
  18. Is watching and learning how your target audience reacts to your content the secret to growing your Facebook following? Food for thought in this quick read article from Inside Small Business:
  19. You’ve worked hard and built your business a fan base, but that’s not the end of the story. Now you need to get your followers interacting with you. Social Media Examiner tells you how to improve fan engagement:

Engage more on social media and grow your business. Talk to us: