Big Star Copywriting

10 Reasons Insurance Companies Need Content Marketing

Just because insurance is essential doesn’t mean anyone wants to spend more time thinking about it than is absolutely necessary. Given that, how can insurance companies use content marketing to engage with policyholders and prospective customers? It can be tough. Creating engaging content for consumer insurance can be challenging because, unlike most other B2C brands, insurance […]

How to write an instructional blog post

How to write an instructional how to blog post

An instructional blog post is one of the most straightforward blog posts to master. And that is because it is your chance to write about something you know how to do well; it’s an opportunity to flex your expertise and build your authority in your chosen niche. But even if you know what to say, […]

How to write a blog post quickly and effectively

How to write a blog post - Shows a inspirational quote sign

Are you making the most of your site’s blog? Or is blogging often left off your content marketing strategy? You’re missing a trick if you said yes to the latter. And why? Marketers who use blogs generate 67% more leads than those who don’t. Those are crazy results that you NEED to be making the […]

Food & Drink Content Marketing – 4 Essentials For Success

“Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you who you are” Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin I’m into food and drink. It’s no secret. I spend most of my time thinking what I’m going to have for my next meal. I’ve got a side hustle running a hipster catering company called More Gravy, I ran […]

How important is content length – what real life data says

This is a question that can freeze search teams and copywriters in the SEO headlights. In truth, the answer is there are no hard and fast rules about content length. There is common ground when it comes to opinion and experience. The consensus is that longer content works the hardest in helping businesses rank higher […]