Big Star Copywriting

How to write a business report

How to write a business report

“You can’t make decisions based on fear and the possibility of what might happen” – Michelle Obama An objective, well-researched business report will help you make data-driven decisions that make you less vulnerable to things going wrong.  With the right brief, research and data at their fingertips, a good copywriter will present the authority of […]

5 Reasons Insurance Companies Need Content Marketing

Just because insurance is essential, it doesn’t mean that anyone wants to spend more time thinking about it than they absolutely have to. And although ignorance can be bliss, this isn’t the case with insurance. How can insurance companies use content marketing to engage with policyholders and prospective customers? Well, if truth be told it […]

Insurance Marketing Case Study – Content Marketing for Park Insurance

CASE STUDY Content Marketing for Park Insurance – An insurance copywriting case study Working with an established insurance company has it’s own unique challenges and opportunities. Providing dynamic content marketing to Park Insurance not only meant understanding the difference between gap insurance and no claims protection (plus an array of other insurance products) it also […]