Big Star Copywriting

Ecommerce SEO Checklist (Complete 2024 Guide)

Shows an E-commerce SEO graphic - laptop with shopping trolley

Last year, e-commerce sales hit an incredible $6.6 trillion. If you sell online, one of the most important channels you have to reach consumers is search engine traffic, especially since over 23.6% of online searches for products begin on Google and 43% of all e-commerce traffic comes from organic Google search results. If you’re not […]

How to Make Your Food Copywriting Tastier

As an online food retail business, you probably spend a long time either creating your own products to make them as mouth-wateringly delicious as they can be, or assembling the kind of product ranges that culinary dreams are made of. And that’s great, but people can’t taste your products through the screen, and unless they’ve sampled them before they really don’t know what they taste like or why they should buy them. For that reason, it really is critical that you invest in product descriptions which are every bit as tasty as the products themselves.

Our top tips for writing Amazon product descriptions that sell

Tips for writing Amazon product descriptions - Shows the Amazon app

With over 500 million products in stock and 4000 products sold every minute, Amazon is the largest online retailer on the planet. But with only 30% of shoppers reaching page two of search results, getting your products in those high-ranking spots is a fierce competition. Unfortunately, there are no shortcuts to hitting the top of […]

Product description examples – How to write perfect eCommerce copy

Product description examples - shows a man online shopping

“People don’t buy features, they buy benefits. Your copy needs to get across three things: what the product does, how it is used and why people should buy it.” The world has gone online. You know the narrative about the past year. We have all lived through it. And we have all ramped up our […]

How to Write Product Descriptions

“Create your own product description that’s original, longer, and richer than Amazon and you stand a chance of outperforming them on a search results page for the same product.” Up to 99 per cent of marketers agree that quality product content is essential for eCommerce success. Yet, product descriptions are still overlooked and not optimised to their […]

Brand Tone of Voice (and why consistency is everything)

“Your brand is a story unfolding across all customer touch points.” – Jonah Sachs You already know that your brand needs a strong tone of voice in order to stand out. This voice should be one which distinctively ‘sounds like’ your company – and you alone. It should also constantly reinforce your unique selling propositions […]

Product description SEO – How to write for Google AND your customers

Writing product descriptions that accurately represent your products, generate consumer interest, and help raise conversion rates is a difficult task. It involves juggling a number of ideas and honing your writing and editing abilities until you’re comfortable repeatedly writing to a targeted audience and in a specific tone of voice. Here, we take a look […]

Product Description Infographic: The Anatomy Of A Product Page

Product Page Infographic

If you take a look at the product descriptions of any successful e-commerce brand – from the Amazons and Asos’ of the world, to smaller yet flourishing websites, they share many things in common. This is no coincidence – it’s the result of making decisions to do more of what works and less of what […]